Monday, April 13, 2009

The Leadership School (Camp Kieve)

2). My experience at the Leadership school was great. All of the class taught things that I will use either now or later in life. Here is a list of the classes we did every day, Decisions, Adventure, Team building, Relationships, and Solo. Decisions was a class about how to make good decisions and how to avoid bad decisions. In Adventure we climbed rock walls, and other climbing courses, but that wasn't the point of the class. The point of the class was to have confidence in your classmates, and trust them, and support them when they are in the air our anywhere else. Team building is pretty much what it sounds like. This class, again, taught us how to trust, have confidence in each other, and help or support people to do things. This class always helped us work on our problem solving skills with each other. Relationships class was about how to talk to each other without getting into fights, learning about how relate to other people. This class is probable the hardest to explain. Solo class is exactly what it sounds like. First we did questions about our self and our goals, then we learned and wrote down how to set and achieve a goal. After that is all done, we sit or lay down by ourselves. That is pretty much what we learned during our time at the Leadership School.

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