Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Reported James Cummings Shot In His Home In Belfast

Maine State Police said Wednesday morning that James Cummings, 29, was shot and killed by his wife, Amber in their High Street home Tuesday. Department of Public Safety spokesman Steve McCausland said the couple's 9-year-old daughter was in the home when the shooting occurred.

An autopsy was under way Wednesday morning at the state Medical Examiner's office in Augusta to pinpoint the cause of death, McCausland said. He would not comment on the number of shots that were fired, though police said Tuesday they had recovered the weapon.

Amber Cummings, 31, was interviewed by police Tuesday and was released Tuesday night, McCausland said. "The case remains under investigation", he said.

Monday, December 8, 2008

2) Many schools across the country are faced with cutting academic programs, extracurricular activities and staff. In Maine, for instance, Gov. Baldacci announced a recent $27 million cut of education funds. According to an October study from the American Association of School Administrators, two thirds of superintendents described their districts as “inadequately funded.” Between now and Jan. 15, 2009, U.S. Cellular customers who come in to any U.S. Cellular store, including participating agent locations, to activate, renew or add additional lines can vote for the school of their choice to receive $100,000.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Rocket lands in California

2)This is just a summary. Space shuttle Endeavour landed safely Sunday afternoon at Edwards Air Force Base in California, after NASA officials waved off two opportunities for the shuttle to touch down in Florida because of poor weather conditions. NASA has estimated it costs about $1.7 million to bring a shuttle home to Kennedy Space Center from California.

Harlem Superstars rock house at Mount View

Slamming home two points Friday night is Harlem Superstar Ricky "The 7-footer" Lopez. The Superstars performed at Mount View High School to benefit the Mustang cheerleaders.

1.) From thunderous dunks to hilarious costumes and basketball antics, the Harlem Superstars thrilled a near capacity crowd Friday night at Mount View High School.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Drunken Driving Incident In Searsport

1.) According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in December 2007, 992 people were killed in crashes that involved a drunk driver or motorcycle rider with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher — above the legal limit in every state as well as the District of Columbia.

"We will be out in force making sure drunk drivers are off the road," said Searsport Police Chief Dick LaHaye. "No amount of good cheer will be able to save you from the consequences of drunk driving. If we catch you, we will arrest you. No exceptions. No excuses."

In 2007, 12,998 fatalities occurred in crashes involving a driver or motorcycle rider who had a .08 or above BAC, compared with 13,491 in 2006. LaHaye emphasized the critical role law enforcement plays in helping solve this serious problem.

"Even though we've seen nationwide reductions in drunk driving deaths since 2007, our work is far from over," said LaHaye. "Too many people continue to suffer tragic injuries and the loss of a loved one as a result of this serious crime."

International Story

2) A crash in Lake County killed a young man when his SUV plunged off a bridge and into a lake. The Florida Highway Patrol said the crash happened Monday night on CR- 561-A in Lake Minneola Shores.The victim was 20-year-old Casey Brechen. Troopers believe the driver may have been speeding when he lost control on a bridge over Lake Minneola.

DareDevil Flies over a Gorge on a Jet Pack

2) A Denver daredevil used a hydrogen-peroxide powered jet pack to travel 1,500 feet across the 1,100-foot-deep Royal Gorge in southern Colorado.Daredevil Eric Scott said beforehand it's incomparable to anything he's done in the past. He was not wearing a backup parachute during the stunt.

Friday, November 21, 2008

A Man Escapes Death Thanks to his Cell Phone

2) A stray bullet hit a man in his chest while he was mowing his lawn Saturday, but he escaped injury because the bullet slammed into a cell phone in his pocket.

R.J. Richard of Slidell said he was working in his yard when a large-caliber bullet slammed into his chest.

"When this thing hit me, it hit with such force that I thought it popped up from the lawnmower some kind of way," he said.

Monday, November 17, 2008

International Story

2) A subway tunnel collapse in eastern China over the weekend killed at least seven people and 14 others remain missing, state-run media reported late Monday.
The 75-meter section of a tunnel in Hangzhou collapsed Saturday.
The 75-meter section of a tunnel in Hangzhou collapsed Saturday.
The search continues for the missing, believed to be trapped at the collapsed subway construction site in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province, the Xinhua news agency reported.
The collapse injured 24 people, all of whom were initially hospitalized, Xinhua said. As of late Monday, 11 had been released.
The accident happened at 3:20 p.m. Saturday when a 75-meter-long section of the subway tunnel under construction collapsed at the Fengqing Avenue in Xiaoshan District.
The company overseeing the project, China Railway Construction Group, has stopped all of its subway construction in the city pending safety checks, said Bai Zhongren, vice president of the company.
The accident is being investigated.

Drinkwater Kids Collecting Food From Start Of The Year

1.) The children at the Edna Drinkwater School collect food throughout the school year as part of the students also recently voted to donate $67.05 to the food pantry to buy turkeys for holiday baskets.

Dress Code:

1.) I think people should not have to have a dress code, unless you go to a private school because you choose to go to that school and dress the same, but for a all public school I think you should dress how you want if it's appropriate clothing.

Same Sex Marriage

1.) I think people should be able to be together even if they are the same sex. If they feel they have feelings for each other they should be able to express themselves and get married.

New President

2) We have a new president, and his name is Barrack Obama. Technically we don't have a new president until a January 20, 2009. George Bush is going to be in office until then.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

McCain, Obama in final rally ahead of vote

2) Senators Barack Obama and John McCain spend their final day of campaigning in the U.S. presidential race in efforts to sway voters before they go to the polls.

THMS Math Team Did Great

1.) The Troy Howard Middle School math team competed Friday, Oct. 31, in the Kennebec Valley Regional Math League Competition at the China Conference Center.THMS team results
Eighth grade Team 1-fifth place
Eighth grade Team 2-second place
Seventh grade Team 1-fifth place
THMS individual results
Seventh grade-honorable mention, Chris Foster
Eighth grade-second place, Maria Swebilius; fifth place, Stephan Colby
Team members
Eighth-grade teams
Team 1: Rachel Kahn, Maria Swebilius, Maddie Wich, Courtney Drinkwater
Alternates: Killian Richards, Danielle Black
Team 2: John Williams, Brandon Sprowl, William Coward, Stephan Colby
Seventh-grade teams
Team 1: Jessie Knight, Curtis Warren, Chris Williams, Allison Dellamattera
Team 2: David Flood, Logan Mitchell, Chris Foster, Doug Wich
Sixth-grade teams
Team 1: Will Hyland, Maylinda Boynton, Brandon Cooper, Jerehmy Clapp
Alternate: Bryton Cook
Team 2 (fifth-graders from CASS): Phillip Wich, Patrick Groening, Nathan Dettlebach, Zeke Ventura
Alternates: Jordon Bickford, Rick Wyman
Coaches: Glen Widmer, THMS math teacher; Jacquie Kahn, Extended Learning Program

Teen's body left out with the trash

2) She was just 16 years old, a straight-A student, with her whole life ahead of her. She hoped to become a nurse. But someone abducted and strangled Chanel Petro-Nixon in broad daylight and put her body out with the trash. and Nancy Grace are teaming up to bring new eyes to cold cases.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Robbins Lumber roots run deep

2) The first is the official response — that he started at Robbins Lumber in 1968 when he got out of the Navy. His first experience in the lumber mill, however, came roughly 15 years earlier at the ripe old age of 8.

More than 200 killed in Pakistan quake

2) The death toll from a 6.4-magnitude earthquake in southwest Pakistan rose to at least 215 by Thursday, officials said.
Quake victims tend to an injured man in southwestern Pakistan.
Quake victims tend to an injured man in southwestern Pakistan.
Authorities fear the toll may rise further if more bodies are found under the remains of hundreds of mud houses that have been reduced to rubble.

1) More snow fell Wednesday in parts of the Northeast as utility crews labored to restore service to thousands of customers blacked out by the region's first big snowstorm of the season.
More than 40,000 customers remained without power Wednesday in upstate New York, according to utilities.

SAD 34 does need Budget Freeze yet

Projected shortfalls in state revenue projections over the next year will likely mean cuts in subsidies to local school districts, SAD 34 Superintendent Bruce Mailloux told the board Tuesday night.

November means Hunting Season

2) November means hunting season. With all those frost covered leaves there will a lot of crackling and that might scare of the deer, so all you hunters out there be quiet or else. The season starts this Saturday so get ready you hunters.

Exxon Mobil Gas Profits are really High!!!

2) Exxon Mobil Corp. set a quarterly profit record for a U.S. company today, surging past analyst estimates, reports. Exxon Mobil, the leading U.S. oil company, said its third-quarter net profit was $14.83 billion, or $2.86 per share, up from $9.41 billion, or $1.70, a year earlier. That profit included $1.45 billion in special items

Monday, October 27, 2008

A 7 year old kid missing

2) A body believed to be that of the missing 7-year-old nephew of Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Hudson was found today inside an SUV, an FBI official and Chicago police said. The 7-year-old, Julian King, had been missing since Hudson's mother and brother were found dead in their home Friday. It must of been a tragedy for her to have lost her mother, her brother, and her nephew. I sure would hate it. Eventually she will get over, but it might take a little while.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Who I Want For President Of The United States

1.) Who I want for the next President of the United States is the Mccain/Palin Administration. My first topic i'm talking about will be the war in Iraq I agree with Mccain with keeping our guys in the war. I think he know's how it feel's since was in the vietnam war and was in prisoner of war for 9 years, and beaten every day!2) I agree with number 1 because if we take out our troops the have a chance to come here and attack us. Then the war would still going but it would be here, and that wouldn't be good. Then a lot of people would die and that isn't good either.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Walmart in Belfast? Yeah or No Way

1.) I think that we should have a Wal-Mart in Belfast because its would save on gas for people who live in Belfast, instead of us having to go to Bangor, Augusta, and Rockland. 2) It would also help us stop air pollution or start it.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

THMS got some Colorful Ribbons

2) THMS garden team got a lot of ribbons from the Common Ground Fair last week. They got 30 first places ribbons, 34 second places ribbons, and 1 third place ribbon. They also got three judges awards for vegetables and flower entries. Good job 7th grade. You guys and girls did a good job. Hopefully next years 7th graders do just as good.

China To Set A 3rd Manned Mission

. The Shenzhou-7 spaceship is transferred to the launch pad in Gansu province on Saturday.

1.)China going to set one of the biggest manned missions ever, their last mission was in 2005. Their future goal where to believe to include an unmanned moon landing around 2012, a mission to return samples in 2015, and another goal their trying to set possibly a manned lunar mission by 2017. On the manned mission they plan to bring three astronauts.Three years ahead of the U.S. target date for returning to the moon. A manned lunar program, "certainly the ultimate goal," Johnson- Freese said.

Stolen pieces of the old Yankee Stadium

2) The New York Police caught 18 fans stealing parts of the 85 year old stadium. They stole them after the final game at Yankee stadium which was played by the New York Yankees and the Baltimore Orioles. The fans are being charged of possession of stolen property. The media is calling the fans the souvenir hunters. Who knows how long they will be in jail. They probably stole the pieces because the probably would be worth a lot of money and they would probably need money or just wanted money.